The Story So Far...

Toto, I don’t think we’re in Kansas anymore!!

A ‘born & bred’ Melbourne girl, hell bent on never getting married, never having children, making her mark on a big city…somehow, someway…That was me!

I worked as a PA & began working in Event Management, with some very inspiring & funny women, something I loved…just as much as I loved my town, snow & sailing.  There’s no way I’d ever move to the country, marry a farmer…they complain a lot don’t they?? & if they’re not in drought then there’s a flood or mouse plague!…why, why, why, would you do that to yourself??

NB: Forewarned is forearmed…Never say never!

I moved from Melbourne to Perth on Monday 21st August 2000 (the date is permanently tattooed on my brain, I was so scared!), & after delivering ‘Marvellous Maz’ to Spencer Street Train Station, (I still can’t believe that at the age of 29 I was able to pack my entire life into a Mazda 323, these days we take twice that in the funky smelling mud mobile, just for a night away – this may explain why we never go anywhere!).  I boarded a plane & set my watch back two hours & thirty five years (sorry…),…just two hours!

When I first arrived, I stayed with mum for a few months & took my Maz, (which thankfully made it over with all contents still intact), & Kiko ‘the Wonder Dog’ on long drives to discover this new city.  I immediately fell in love with Fremantle & its markets, (something I really missed) & the beautiful beaches along the coast & set about exploring.  Having been born with a terrible sense of direction I often got lost, (I like to put this down to genetics, along with my enviable ability to always burn toast) – but to this day, many of the interesting places I find are a result of me taking a wrong turn…

One thing I did learn – I was no longer from Melbourne, or Victoria, but, from ‘Over East,’ – which apparently encapsulates all states over here, east of the West Australian border – which kind of gave, & still gives me, the shits really!         

A couple of weeks after I arrived I was invited to a bbq at my best mate’s sisters house, Bec, she had married a very funny, politically incorrect (among my favourite people) dentist, with a huge mop of dark brown curls & talent at Jana Wendt impersonations (which is just his excuse for asking people really inappropriate questions).  They were having a ‘thank you’ shin dig for the ‘hardest working rock band the world has never seen’, Weapon, who played at their wedding (they also played at ours & every other band members wedding – with all band members now married, Weapon is now considering a move to Christenings & Bar Mitzvah’s.

 It was here that I first met ‘Mr Special’ – who initially appeared before me as a funny little drunk man with blue lips from too many reds, whose first words to me were, “you’d never think I was the lead singer of a rock band” – hmm, no little fella, I wouldn't!

Well, time soldiered on & I occasionally met up with the ‘Rock Star’ at various events & all was going smoothly until mum happened to speak to a Melbourne friend of mine who rang for a chat & mentioned that I had ‘on occasion’ brought up a certain Farmer…slash…Singer.  Well, from that moment, ‘The Grazier,’ was born & my mother turned into Greg Evans on oestrogen (to make matters worse, Jana Wendt’s wife also went on a match making bender).

Mum’s first (& only) attempt at match making was at a dinner for my 30th birthday – I was still ‘Scotty-No-Mates’ at this time, so my guest list consisted of the Band, Jana Wendt & his wife & the funniest man ever to set foot in my life, Dentist John – he does a tremendous Michael Flatley at the end of a good evening (& a good red)...truly a sight to behold!

True to form, The Grazier was the last to arrive, (he has since let it be known that he hates being late…married the wrong girl there sailor!).  He had bright green fingers from tattooing calves earlier in the day (this might not seem funny, but Mr Special has really small sausage fingers, so his hands resembled that of Mini Hulk after a day of finger painting at Mini Hulk kindy). 

Mum was slowly tiring...she had not yet met ‘The Grazier’, & had spent all afternoon enthusiastically arising & opening the front door every time the door bell rang,  expecting to see her future son in law.  The sight of the 6ft 4inch Quent (Weapon guitar player extraordinaire), got her the most excited as she envisaged the tall gene, so desperately required of our family, finally turning up, literally on our doorstep.  Alas it was not to be, the 5ft 8in ‘Grazier’, was the last ‘ding of the door bell’, so to speak & I’ve never seen her so excited.

Eight months after turning on the ‘Special’, Mr Special proposed…..

…but not before asking Dad for permission – such a traditional little bunny – Dad’s response was, “well, don’t ask me, you’d better ask her, she could say no!” 

Twelve months after that we got married (& twelve months after that I became pregnant with our first little trooper – Soph).

Eleven years on & we have three beautiful & very entertaining kids, who are as different from one another as any siblings could ever be – but remarkably get along very well together...mostly! 

I don’t know if anything could have prepared me for country life & almost everyday I have some sort of ‘culture shock’ type of experience & depending upon which category the experience falls into (eg funny, interesting or ‘holy shit), determines my subsequent re-action – & how often Mr Special finds his balls in the ‘Wife Vice’.

Funny how life can take you so far away from the direction in which you imagined myself heading that sometimes you have to pinch myself to realise that you are a part of all of this, all that we have built together so far, & hope to continue building together in the future, (I’m hoping some of this building will include a couple of extra bedrooms & a bathroom!).  My life now is so far removed from the dreams & plans I had for myself way back when…I put Marvellous Maz on the train….

Maybe it’s true what they say – ‘to enjoy your future you have to let go of the past’ -   that’s not to say you forget, but maybe point your mind in a slightly different direction & if you open it up wide enough there’s no telling where you may end up,  (just as long as you don’t end up an Eagles supporter!).

Stay tuned, it would seem that anything is possible…for all of us….so be careful of what you don’t wish for!



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