Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Little Barry Special's Christmas Wish...

‘Little Barry Special’s Christmas Wish’  - 16th December, 2013

Dear Santa

I have been a very well behaved, hard working farmer this year & have just one thing I would like in my Santa stocking on Christmas morning…

A brand new wife!

Now I don’t mean to appear ungrateful, but my current one is really mean, disrespectful, pretty much over the hill & keeps writing stories about me.  I am even prepared to consider a trade-in to sweeten the deal.

My new wife should be very young & extremely hot, extraordinarily naïve & have a solid understanding of a woman’s place in the home, circa 1918.  She needs to be anally retentive when it comes to housework & never make fun of my sweeping...allow me to eat white bread (with every meal), & be ready & waiting at the door when I get home each night with a frosty Corona in one hand & chops & three veg in the other. 

I don’t particularly care where she comes from, as long as it’s not Victoria. 

She should have the IQ of a newt & never talk back, use sarcasm, roll her eyes, make obscene gestures behind my back or make fun of me.  In fact she doesn’t even have to speak English, as long as she laughs at my jokes, even though she may have heard them once or twice before (!), & understands the ‘international language’…of lurve!!

I would like her interests to include…vacuuming, ironing, cooking…for me, shooting parrots, taking out the garbage, mowing the lawn & watching me play hockey.

I would also be terribly grateful if she harboured an intense dislike for pets, especially Labradors, the Hawthorn Football team, Keith Urban & skiing.

She would never ever criticise my driving or make fun of my handyman skills & would rush to my defence should I make an uncharacteristic social faux pas, instead of just sitting back grinning, allowing me to dig an even bigger hole for myself. 

Under no circumstances would she ever refer to me as Mr Special or Barry & she would have no computer or typing skills, which may lead to unwanted story telling…in fact she should be illiterate!

She would bare me children that didn’t make mess, were cheap to maintain, never ate in the car, fight or speak unless spoken to…they could even be mute!

She should never use logic or reason should we ever have a disagreement, & park as far away from the supermarket as possible, so as not to sustain any dings on the car from run-away trolley’s or other car doors. 

Well, I think that’s about it Santa, as I said, I have been very good this year, & will be sure to have my stocking ready & waiting in anticipation of you feeling as sorry for me as I feel for myself!

Your friend

Little Peter Cowcher

From Barry, his mean wife & family of little (definitely not mute) Specials we wish

you all a safe, happy & wonderful

Festive Season & a healthy & prosperous New Year....

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